20 February 2013

The Law Of Karma

The only just process, as injustices are eventually met and resolved in this heavenly court where each person is his/her own judge and jury and pays retribution or gains justice. A new life wave reincarnation cleans the slate of memory, while the person comes in with all vibrational patterns to be met and solved at that lifetime.

Everyone deals his own cards and the destiny as an aid to achievement.  Because the memory is blank to this and the walk is blind to anyone not using their inner core perception and falsely contradict their own path.

Destiny shaped also by the decision of the individual the choose his own options, not just the destiny that controls you

Destiny: What is it?

18 February 2013

Membantu Si "Kecil"

Coba renggangkan tangan kananmu, perhatikan jempol dan kelingkingnya. 

Gerakkan jempol ke arah kelingking, apa bisa?
Tentu saja hal itu sangat mudah..

13 February 2013

Kedai Tjikini

Last Monday I just hangout  with my friend to refreshing my mind go to new place called "Kedai Tjikini" near Menteng Huis.

Actually this place is not a new place but only rename from "Bakoel Koffie".

09 February 2013

Renungan dan Pantangan Imlek

Dimulai dari pantangan di Hari Imlek ^--^
          Banyak harapan di setiap tahun baru imlek, tetapi ada juga sejumlah pantangan yang masih diyakini hingga kini bagi umat yang merayakan Imlek. Ada apa saja? Mari kita simak bersama..
1.       Marah dan juga menangis. Hal ini diyakini berdampak negatif karena bisa membawa kesialan dan juga korbannya akan mengalami hal yang menyebabkan dia menangis dalam satu tahun ke depan. Konon katanya hal ini tidak berlaku untuk anak kecil.
2.       Tidak menggunakan pisau, gunting atau alat-alat tajam lainnya. Karena dipercaya benda tersebut dapat menjauhkan keberuntungan dari kita.

02 February 2013

Cappucino Love's

The unexpected meet, taking us into the one love..

Although very short and makes me surprised, I feel happy..
Since that time, he became someone very important in my life ..

I'm sure he's for me forever, But not as easy as I had imagined to pursue a future together.

I even did not think he will hurt me ..I'm okay .. 
It's just, I already knew from the beginning.

I can not ask why he lied..